Grand Order Of Draco Slayers [BACKUP] (RSS)
- True Goetic Alchemy with#1 Bael part 2, and minor Buer/Ebola update. January 29, 201611/02/14--14:02: True Goetic Alchemy with #1 Bael part 2, and minor Buer/Ebola update. * In response to many asking how I am able to hear Buer speak. I have started to release the process in the post entitled True Goetic Alchemy with #1 Bael, written in June. This the next step on the royal road […]Anonymous
- Buer & Ebola prophecy continuation January 29, 201610/16/14--19:59: Buer & Ebola prophecy continuation In the next few days I will be doing a major work with the Goetic spirit #10 of the Ars Goetia “Buer” and attempt to coax yet another prophecy concerning Ebola out of him. I will also be adding the entirety of the first prophecy he passed on through […]Anonymous
- Ebola, Buer and session predictions. January 29, 201610/11/14--09:56: Ebola, Buer and session predications. They will wait till the end of winter, when all are wearily, weakened, and ready for the sun. They will bring back the cold, the snow, and darken the skies right when the spring is meant to be sprung. Those weak, weary and ready for warmth, will once more […]Anonymous
- Nikola Tesla, Goetic Spirits, and You. The next great work of G.O.O.D.S. January 29, 201607/06/14--15:32: Nikola Tesla, Goetic Spirits, and You. The next great work of G.O.O.D.S. It was early one morning that I settled my gaze over the reflective surface of Mersilde’s (goetic spirit mentioned in the Grimoirum Verum) magic mirror. The mirror’s surface responded in kind to my deepening state of trance, beginning to swirl and churn […]Anonymous
- Checker vs. Chess. Hiepatch sigil. January 29, 201606/27/14--18:06: Checkers vs. Chess. Hiepatch sigil. I was e-mailed by a man who introduced himself as a prominent member of the Hermetic Magical order, the O.T.O. stating that he has been an active and influential member for thirty years. I had no reason not to believe him, but he seemed to want me to look […]Anonymous